I-Phone Scroll

One of the amazing features of i-phone user interface is smooth panning/scrolling animation. I-phone “List Scrolling” perhaps gives a very funky and usable List –View to its users and allows them to scroll up and down the interface without any need of a scroll bar. This interface is sensitive to the push speed and also shows traces of resilience. I have been experimenting with various techniques to bring out similar effect using JavaScript and HTML, I am not quite sure if this would be useful in its present form but with some modifications may be this sample could prove its worthiness somewhere.
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Notepad++ with Python

After reading an excellent article by Kazi Manzur Rashidon setting up a development environment for Iron Ruby using Notepad++, I was immediately struck with an idea of using the same excellent tool with Python 2.6. Now don’t get me wrong here, theoretically there is nothing wrong with IDLE, but having a light weight IDE for those who don’t want to use Pydevplugin for Aptanaor Eclipse, I think Notepad++ is indeed a nice little dev tool.
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