Simple Forecasting

Timeseries financial forecasting Recently , I have been looking into various ways to forecast a time series dataset. This is an old pursuit in the field of statistics and there are many well known ways to achieve this. In this post I will demonstrate a very basic (Naive) approach of forecasting a quarterly dataset of sales figure, by using previous 4 years (16 quarters) and forecasting/predicting the next 1 year of sales aggregate.
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how to play apple music on alexa in uk

You can now use Alexa to play Apple Music on Amazon Echo speakers. It’s just available for Echo devices and now customers in UK can also connect their apple music account with Alexa. Open the Alexa app then sign into your Amazon account and make sure that your Echo device is connected. Open Menu (top left icon), then select settings. Select Music. Select “Link New Service” Tap, Apple music Icon
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Normalizing Ranges of Numbers

Range Normalization is a normalization technique that allows you to map a number to a specific range. Lets say that we have a data set where the values are in a range of 1 to 10, however we wish to normalise it to a range between 0 and 5 Mathematically speaking the equation comes down to translated to Python class Normaliser: def __init__(self,dH,dL,nH,nL): self.dH = dH self.dL = dL self.nH = nH self.
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Gheat Java – Heat maps

A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors. This article will attempt to explain the process or creating and using GHEAT-JAVA, which is a port of famous aspen based gheat and took great inspiration from Writing a service which would serve heat map tiles is a bit tricky,there are three major components involved The client part i.
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Importing CSV File Into SQL SERVER Database using BULK INSERT

Importing data into a database from a delimited file is perhaps one of the most common tasks that one might have to perform. SQL server gives us an import utility which supports various data sources and has an intutive interface as well,however there is another way which can be utilized to quickly get the job done, its called BULK INSERT BULK INSERT is a SQL command which can be typed in management console,takes various parameters to control the import and is very simple to use.
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