Gheat Java – Heat maps

A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors. This article will attempt to explain the process or creating and using GHEAT-JAVA, which is a port of famous aspen based gheat and took great inspiration from Writing a service which would serve heat map tiles is a bit tricky,there are three major components involved The client part i.
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Find Longitude and Latitude in Google Maps

This post is basically a way of quick appreciation to the Google maps Team, they are obviously a bunch of caring, loving people ,who make useful (although surreptitious) tools for the betterment of Geek Kind. So as most of you may have accidently clicked a mysterious looking link at the bottom of your Google maps page ( on the left hand panel) This awesome looking link opens up a popup which lets you choose wonderful goodies which makes your Google maps page more useful than it already is:
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