How to Query a Shape file for Point inside a polygon using ogr python

Recently I was trying to build a quick geo lookup service in python, which could be used like an “info tool” in QGIS. This task is trivial in almost all geospatial databases, however I wasn’t able to find much online around querying a shape file. In this post I will demonstrate a simple python code to query a shape file which contains world countries. The file can be downloaded from here.
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How to install and configure grunt on mac Osx

This post is intended to assist folks who are trying to install and work with grunt on mac osx Install Node.js and npm with Homebrew First, install Homebrew by typing in the following command ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL" Then, type in brew update to ensure your Homebrew is up to date. brew update Run brew doctor to make sure your system is all good. Follow any other recommendations from brew doctor.
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Normalizing Ranges of Numbers

Range Normalization is a normalization technique that allows you to map a number to a specific range. Lets say that we have a data set where the values are in a range of 1 to 10, however we wish to normalise it to a range between 0 and 5 Mathematically speaking the equation comes down to translated to Python class Normaliser: def __init__(self,dH,dL,nH,nL): self.dH = dH self.dL = dL self.nH = nH self.
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This is second part of the tutorial about getting started with Raphael.js. To see this first part go here. Writing Text with Raphael Some code first ;) var canvas = Raphael(0, 0, 250, 250 ); var t1 = canvas.text(50, 50, "Some text Goes here"); var t2 = canvas.text(60,90,"First line \n Second Line \n Third line"); var t3 = canvas.text(214, 140, "1079").attr({"text-anchor":"middle",'font-size':16,"font-family":"arial","fill":"#fff"}); In the above examples canvas.text will create a simple text element at 50,50.
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Mod Proxy equivalent in IIS using ARR and URL Rewrite Module

IIS7 is quite modular, it is shipped with lots of goodies as separate modules and together it is now one of the most powerful and flexible web server. In this post I intent to cover how we can easily configure ARR and URL Rewrite Module to get a similar functionality as of Mod Proxy in Apache. Here I will demonstrate configuration of a reverse proxy which according to the definition is
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