how to print bar chart in chrome browser console

This post doesn’t really have anything valuable to contribute, just some cool console trick. Have you ever wanted to plot out a chart, very quickly ? Did you ever had an urge to visualise a bunch of numbers without having to use a charting api or copy pasting the data in a spreadsheet ? If you did then you might even learn something today :) Here is a simple , yet neat way to plot out bunch of numbers in chrome console as a** horizontal bar chart.
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Creating Isochrones and Isodistances using Googles Direction Search API

Introduction Isochrones are curves of equal travel time from a certain point of origin, another way of saying this would be that an Isochrone is an isoline for travel time, if the weighting factor is changed form time to distance, then the resulting curve us called an Isodistance. In this post I will present a rough way to create an Isochrone and an Isodistance using google’s directions API. Algorithm The actual algorithm to calculate Isocrone or Isodistance is perhpas a bit complicated than the simplistic approach being described here, if you are intrested in having a deeper look then I would recommend visiting this link by OpenStreetMap folks.
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HTML Geolocation and Altitude

HTML5 Geolocation is a feature which allows the browser on a computer or a mobile phone, to acquire the position from the wifi,2g/3g/4g network or GPS. The HTML Geolocation API is used to get the geographical position of a user. Since this can compromise user privacy, the position is not available unless the user approves it. The simplest way to use it through navigator.geolocation object ``` if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition);
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Classes and Inheritance in EcmaScript 6 (ES6 Harmony)

So if you are a JavaScript geek and haven’t yet heard,(if every one is listening to ECMA announcements, who’s gonna drink beer :) ) ECMA 6 feature set has been drafted,its feature set is frozen, it is mostly being refined now. You can already program in it and compile it to current JavaScript . The JavaScript frameworks AngularJS and Ember.js will be based on it (with ways to opt out). Again, via cross-compilation.
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This is second part of the tutorial about getting started with Raphael.js. To see this first part go here. Writing Text with Raphael Some code first ;) var canvas = Raphael(0, 0, 250, 250 ); var t1 = canvas.text(50, 50, "Some text Goes here"); var t2 = canvas.text(60,90,"First line \n Second Line \n Third line"); var t3 = canvas.text(214, 140, "1079").attr({"text-anchor":"middle",'font-size':16,"font-family":"arial","fill":"#fff"}); In the above examples canvas.text will create a simple text element at 50,50.
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