
This is second part of the tutorial about getting started with Raphael.js. To see this first part go here. Writing Text with Raphael Some code first ;) var canvas = Raphael(0, 0, 250, 250 ); var t1 = canvas.text(50, 50, "Some text Goes here"); var t2 = canvas.text(60,90,"First line \n Second Line \n Third line"); var t3 = canvas.text(214, 140, "1079").attr({"text-anchor":"middle",'font-size':16,"font-family":"arial","fill":"#fff"}); In the above examples canvas.text will create a simple text element at 50,50.
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Raphael JS Tutorial - Part I

Raphael.JS is a SVG/VML library which helps you to create quick vector shapes and images. Its very small and compact (only 86kb),easy to use,well documented and works in all browsers and yes even IE. Here is a list of all major browsers this library works on: Chrome 5.0+ Firefox 3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.5+ and Internet Explorer 6.0+ ,finally its distributed under MIT license. In this tutorial ,I intend to introduce basics of this library and help you get started.
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