Basic authentication in via attribute

Here I demonstrate the process of Basic Authentication in python web framework. There is a proof of concept article provided in the main site,however I just thought doing the same via an attribute might be a cleaner solution. HTTP Basic authentication implementation is one of the easiest ways to secure web pages because it doesn’t require cookies, session handling, or the development of login pages. Rather, HTTP Basic authentication uses static headers which means that no handshakes have to be done in anticipation,however the n the credentials are passed as plain-text and could be intercepted.
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Installing Redis on Ubuntu

Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store. Installing it on Linux debian platforms is pretty easy. There are two ways of getting this done, one is perhaps an easy and less verbose method and it involves using an alternative repository Dotdeb. A while ago I had posted a tutorial about installing redis from the googlecode repo, but things have changed since then and here I post a fairly latest way of installing it.
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gzip compression in apache using mod_deflate

HTTP Compression is a very simple and effective way to save bandwidth and improve web applications performance over network. Output compression is basically a process of compressing web servers response by using a loss-less compression algorithm called gzip. This technique is fairly modern and almost all modern browsers honor it, however if a page is requested from a browser which does not send a header Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate then the response comes back uncompressed.
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Start Stop Restart Apache 2 Web Server

I have been using Linux environment a lot lately, particularly for hosting my web experiments and other application. One of the biggest and most searched question for newbies have been How do I restart Apache 2 Web Server under Debian / Ubuntu Linux or UNIX operating systems? In this post I simply attempt to lay this down for my and their benifit. Start Apache2 # sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start Stop Apache2 # sudo /etc/init.
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Auto Complete with Redis (Python)

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