How To Install and use Python framework on Windows has been one of my favorite web frameworks as its pretty easy to get cracking on it. It’s super quick to install and one can come up with a prototype and rapid web services in matter of minutes. Install on windows If you haven’t configured easy_install on windows, then read this article. Once easy_install has been configured believe it or not, all you have to do is open a command prompt and type
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How to setup easy_install on Windows

If one has been using python, then installing various libraries and modules is basically a breeze using easy_install utility, however for folks using windows, easy_install utility has to be setup properly before using it. First lets make sure that python is properly installed and PYTHON_HOME environment variable is configured: Install Python on Windows If not already installed download python installer from here. After it’s done downloading, double click to run the installer, and select default options (unless you have other custom needs of course ).
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Find Longitude and Latitude in Google Maps

This post is basically a way of quick appreciation to the Google maps Team, they are obviously a bunch of caring, loving people ,who make useful (although surreptitious) tools for the betterment of Geek Kind. So as most of you may have accidently clicked a mysterious looking link at the bottom of your Google maps page ( on the left hand panel) This awesome looking link opens up a popup which lets you choose wonderful goodies which makes your Google maps page more useful than it already is:
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How to set up Redis in Ubuntu Linux

Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store, and is quickly picking up momentum in real-time software development , it is now a well known and trusted product and can be used in various problem scenarios as a No SQL implementation. Redis is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets. Here is quick guide to Install Redis in Ubuntu 10.
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Image Carousel

Here is another of many JavaScript based Image Carousel, I had seen many similar to these made in SilverLight and Flash, I came across a wonderful carousel made in SilverLight sometimes back which was very fluid in behavior and could easily be customized and configured to take various shape and form. I have managed to port it to JavaScript, it works best on chrome or FF, hope this would be fun to play with.
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