Using ElasticSearch for Spatial Search tutorial
In this post I will demonstrate using ElasticSearch to spatially query records and filter them by attributes.
ElasticSearch is built on top of Lucence which in version 4.0 supports Spatial query features, for those interested here is an example and link to javadocs.
You will need to install ElasticSearch, read about installing it here, also install marvel plugin for configuration and testing.
For this demonstration I have used data from Geofabrik.
CCS3 only Loading Icon
I generally have been using loading gifs in my work most of the time to inform the user that the resources are being fetched asynchronously from the server.
Ajaxload website is perhaps one of the most used site to download a suitable gif.
In this post I will demonstrate a css3 only way to create a nice loading simulation
Basic Code We will use nested divs to create the loading animation control ```
Mod Proxy equivalent in IIS using ARR and URL Rewrite Module
IIS7 is quite modular, it is shipped with lots of goodies as separate modules and together it is now one of the most powerful and flexible web server.
In this post I intent to cover how we can easily configure ARR and URL Rewrite Module to get a similar functionality as of Mod Proxy in Apache.
Here I will demonstrate configuration of a reverse proxy which according to the definition is
Raphael JS Tutorial - Part I
Raphael.JS is a SVG/VML library which helps you to create quick vector shapes and images. Its very small and compact (only 86kb),easy to use,well documented and works in all browsers and yes even IE. Here is a list of all major browsers this library works on: Chrome 5.0+ Firefox 3.0+, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.5+ and Internet Explorer 6.0+
,finally its distributed under MIT license. In this tutorial ,I intend to introduce basics of this library and help you get started.